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Next course starting Saturday Oct 19

About Justine

I was born in a small country hospital in NSW and my Mum was very positive about my birth, she always talked about this amazing experience in a way that made me look forward to it with positive expectation. And I think that’s what triggered my desire to become a midwife. After moving to the UK as a child, I trained as a Registered Nurse. I worked in various specialities like gynaecology, urology, cardiology, and orthopaedic, I became intrigued in understanding more about how our minds work. I gained a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology in the UK. Forever on a quest for more knowledge I then studied to become a Registered Midwife. I had found my passion. I have now worked as a Midwife for twenty years (in the UK, but mostly in Melbourne) and I’ve supported thousands of women in labour. I have learned many incredible tips and techniques that help women in labour.

I have seen how women’s perceptions are the greatest influence on what experience she has. And I also realise what a powerful gift my Mum gave me when she gave me positive expectation about birth. I know that birth can be calm and incredible and joyful. I also know that it can be loud and scary and traumatic. I previously thought that women’s beliefs were unchangeable, that if they were scared and had negative expectations nothing could be done to alter that. Then I learnt about the amazing potential of hypnosis. How a natural, gentle therapy could so profoundly help. I realised that I could have a greater impact if I help women change their perceptions early in their pregnancy, to give them the skills and knowledge to empower them, so that no matter what happens, they have a positive birth experience.

So it was back to school for me, and having gained a Diploma in Clinical Hypnotherapy and Strategic Psychotherapy I have been helping people on a completely new level. Further studying as an NLP Practitioner has given me even more tools to offer my clients. Showing them simple skills that they can use in everyday life. Techniques that take seconds to use that can profoundly alter their lives.

As a mother of two fabulous teenagers, born following earlier pregnancy losses, I have personal experience of how this sadly common scenario can add extra stress to pregnancy and birth, and I know any extra support, such as that provided by hypnotherapy, can significantly help to reduce prenatal and postnatal anxiety.

I look forward to meeting you and being part of this exciting time in your life.

Justine Daly

Do you need some extra support other than birth preparation?

As a Clinical Hypnotherapist I help people deal with many of life's challenges.

Hypnotherapy can provide rapid and effective help without the added concern of taking medication.

Common issues I can help with are; existing anxiety, dealing with previous loss, birth trauma, concern about coping with lack of sleep, handling changing relationships, loss of identity when taking a career break, as well as handling the uncertainty that birth entails.

Find out how you can start to feel better

Midwife led antenatal classes with hypnobirthing

I have over 20 years experience as a midwife in the UK and Australia, working in both private and public hospitals. I have helped thousands of women in every scenario, from homebirths and water-births, births with complex issues, intervention, and caesarean births.

I am passionate about supporting women and families to be as relaxed and confident as they can be, whatever the circumstances. I have spent 20 years working in the Birth Centre and for the past few years have been an educator as part of the Child Birth Education Team. This means I am up to date with current research, policies and procedures when it comes to all things birth related.

In addition, I am a government accredited Clinical Hypnotherapist, with an Honours degree in Psychology. In my private practice I specialise in treating anxiety, trauma, fertility issues, pain management and phobias, as well as hypnobirthing techniques.

Bringing together these sets of skills, knowledge, and experience I can guide and prepare you to have the positive birth experience that you desire.

What A Focused Birth childbirth education offers you

  • Comprehensive antenatal classes developed and facilitated live in Williamstown Melbourne by a registered Midwife and Childbirth educator
  • Prerecorded self paced online course available
  • Access to additional resources and recommended reading
  • Toolbox of relaxation techniques, coping strategies, active birth principles
  • Breathing techniques
  • In depth breastfeeding information
  • Chance to ask questions relevant to your individual circumstances
  • Birth Preference Customisable Template
  • Comprehensive customisable ‘What to pack’ lists
  • Huge list of positive affirmations to choose from
  • Opportunity to address personal issues, such as previous traumatic experiences
  • Opportunity to upgrade to include individual hypnotherapy sessions
Justine Daly, Midwife and Childbirth educator

Online antenatal classes with hypnobirthing
from $199

Next live course in Williamstown Melbourne starts Saturday Oct 19

Dates and booking options